Monday, 31 May 2010

First day of the rest of my life

I have made a few decisions in the last couple of days. I do keep coming up with ideas that will change my life... moving house, moving country, moving job, career and anything pretty much that I can. Unsettled you say? I totally agree.

However, most of these changes are positive ones. And although I don't always manage to achieve my goals, I think this might be the best place to keep track of and motivate myself to strive towards these milestones.

At my various jobs I have learnt the skill of organising my life and daily tasks. Currently I feel my work life is going ok, and is in the best shape its ever been in. I am finally working towards a career that will mean something to me, I have scored a job in a really great company where I think I can carve out a niche for myself.

I'm not kidding myself - all the things that I want to achieve will require really hard work... but hopefully with my friends egging me on, and having it written down out there in the big wide webby world will help in banishing the laziness that has held me back up until now.

So here is my list of things I have to do:

  • Finish studying (work hard, often and hard)
  • Exercise (at least six hours a week, preferably while listening to audiobooks to begin with)
  • Be the best I can at work and get a promotion before the end of July.
These three pointers are the first and most important to me.
Once these have been accomplished, I can work towards getting involved in some charity volunteer holiday ideas, as well as researching my ideas for a marketing company.

The exercise will help clear my head, and help me study, as well as making me feel good about myself. Making a name for myself at work (that isn't directly related to how many shots I can do at the pub on a weeknight) will also make me feel good about myself.

So all this positiveness is great, and hopefully I can hold onto these ideas and dreams and make them all come true soon!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Hi babe,

I wish you "do something" on Saturday was to come celebrate my birthday with me! We are having a girly night with SATC2, cocktails and mexican!

I love your goals and am positive that you are going to achieve them! There are so many opportunities where you are now that there is no reason why you won't!

Will write as soon as I get this last assignment done - I want to give you a big long letter xx